Summer Jewelry for the Minimalist

I recently went on a trip to the Andamans (it was nothing short of insane). And on beach holidays, you get to wear the cutest jewelry. I don't usually carry statement necklaces when I travel because 1) I'm always scared they'll break and 2) I prefer travelling really light in the trinkets department.

And I realized that I tend to wear a type of jewelry during the summer that never sees the light of day post August. Not like we in Chennai have seasons other than the monsoon (more like summer, summermore, summermost), but I thought I'd share with you some stuff that I would pack if I was going on a more resort-y kind of holiday. The Andamans was more of the 'getupits5amweregoingtobelatefortheferry' variety, so I barely wore the jewelry I packed. I hope this gives you guys some inspiration on what to wear for those beachy, summery days.

1. Turquoise Stone pendant - Matalan (UK) - ten million years ago
2. Skull Pendant - JC Penny (USA) - on sale for like $4
3. Layered bracelet - Ayesha
4. White shell bracelet - gift from the mother
5. Feather Necklace - Primark
6. Anchor bracelet - Accessorize

1 comment

  1. Milton John offers stylishly designed bracelet for men in an absolutely affordable price.


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