Well yes. I am one of those people who cannot stand the A/C below 24 and the moment the monsoon rolls in, I bring out my sweaters. I am useless. But I am a true Chennai child. I need my warmth.
And I exploit that five degree temperature drop we get after August. I call it 'fall'. My parents laugh but I really enjoy layering clothes and buying darker colored lipstick/nailpolish.
And that is just what I did.
I also managed to try out a site called everstylish.com. I saw some really cute jewelry on sale there so I thought I'd give it a go. I will give you my honest opinion on that too.
NOTE: The sweater in the picture is not something I got recently although for those of you who like that kinda stuff - Mango and M&S do some adorable sweaters, both thick and thin.
The three pieces of jewelry that I picked were all very different. One of them was statement-ish, one more subtle and one because it had a freakin' skeleton hand. Enough said.
As with all online shopping, you can never really tell the quality from the photo. You can never tell if it's plastic or metal. But, once you've shopped around enough (I'm not proud of it) you know what to look for to tell the difference. Also, they're on sale now so if you want to pick some stuff up - go here
1. Braided gold chain pendant (INR 499)
I really loved this piece. Possibly my favorite from the lot. It was exactly what I expected it to be, all metal. The chain was really good quality too. Can see myself wearing this a lot with plain tops or collared blouses.
2. Silver and black statement necklace (INR 399)
A nice, bold piece to wear with both Indian (I definitely think so) and regular clothing. Very versatile. I was a bit disappointed though - the chain was metal but the pendant pieces were plastic. It still looks like metal though so I don't mind so much.
3. Skeleton hand necklace (INR 199)
This one was an impulse buy. It was purely for the pendant more than anything. I could tell the chain was plastic from the picture itself. I probably will switch up the chain for a black leather strip or thick thread.
The pendant itself is a lightweight metal. Love the detailing on it. Phew.
Overall, I thought this site is a big hit-and-miss and has a lot to do with luck. I am not a fan of the pretty-yet-deceptive photography. Also the range is pretty small. But some of the pieces are very unique (lolita-esque wrist chains, hamsa pendants and a couple of really nice statement pieces that are all under the INR 500 mark). I'd give it a 3/5.
And now to the two 'fall' make up items.
I got away with the first one using the 'it's my birthday soon' excuse.
Story of my life.
4. L'oreal Color Riche Moist Matte (phew) in Arabian Nights (INR 899)
Holy crap. This goes on like a dream and sets into your lips SO WELL. You can hardly tell that it's matte. Doesn't dry out or look cakey. I am no beauty guru but this lipstick is the bomb. Vogue thinks so too, it won the Vogue Beauty Award for the shade Raspberry Syrup in the same line (check that out too)
It is a very flattering berry-plum color that reminds me of MAC's Rebel. I honestly think I prefer this one. If you're in the market for a color that isnt the regular red or pink, I think you should look at this one. Don't be fooled by the lipstick itself - it looks really dark. But when it's actually on you, it's a lot more subtle. If that's what you like.
5. Maybelline Color Show nailpolish in Crazy Berry (INR 75)
This was literally SUCH an impulse buy. I walked into Health and Glow with my friend, needed 200 to swipe my card, saw this near the counter, grabbed it and billed. I didn't expect it to be anything great. Looked like a run of the mill purple. Credit goes to said friend for picking the color.
On my fingers, it looks like this vampy-sexy-malificenty-vixeny color that is a very good alternative to black.
P.S Not a fan of the name. A lot of the names for this line sound like they were just thought up overnight. By a 7-year-old.
I will do a post showing how the lipstick and the nailpolish look on me as soon as I can, if this can help a few of you out :)
I LOVE that skeleton hand pendant! Usually these online sites somehow make it look really tacky in real!
ReplyDeleteI know! So deceptive! You hardly know how big it is/what it's made of. I'm definitely changing the chain though. It makes it look really bad :/